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Overcoming Writing Fatigue

The question of how to overcome fatigue has no absolute answers because the causes of fatigue vary with each author. Different authors have different breaking points beyond which they experience fatigue. Thus, the most effective means of combating fatigue might vary with each individual.  Most of the writers experience this condition which in turn leads confusion that tends to strike. This sense of disorder is accompanied by frustration, not only over one’s work in general, but turmoil is felt in every single sentence and the word written. The longer they stagnate in this situation, the more they become entangled in an endless excuse of rewriting the same ideas over and over without reaching satisfaction. The symptoms of writer’s fatigue can include: Unclear thinking, frustration with sentence structure and vocabulary, feeling that every sentence is worthless, and rewriting the same concept repeatedly with no satisfaction. The following are the tips to overcome writer’s fatigue:

  • Respect your body. It is the best method of overcoming fatigue. When the aches manifest and your brain begins to tire, stop writing. When your health deteriorates, your work will suffer. Do not force yourself to write through the fatigue. You should set aside time to rest by taking a break for some days.
  • Break up your writing. It is healthy to take as reasonable break like 20 minutes when writing. Sitting in front of a computer is physically detrimental to your health. Authors experiencing fatigue are unlikely to find any solace in this approach, however. Instead, they are encouraged to break away from the writing process.
  • Change your location. Writing in at the same place can be boring. It is advisable to change the scenery after sometimes. Anything that forces you to move around challenges your brain and decreases the likelihood of burnout.
  • Seeking for proper medication. The right meditative techniques will not only calm your emotions, but they will also clear your mind of all clutter. Meditation before writing will appropriately relax you for the task at hand while meditation after writing will allow you to combat stress and fatigue.
  • Overcoming rejection and discouragements. You may even lose the drive or inclination to write out of fear of more rejections. Sometimes the depression can be so severe that it leads to more serious problems such as alcoholism, violence, and alienation from loved ones. In that case, it is necessary to seek professional counseling.
  • Take a doze. Thinking and writing without taking a rest is really difficult. Taking nap is commendable to motivate your attitude, eliminate brain fog, and give you the energy needed to write. It should a take about 30 minutes.
  • Take some caffeine. This helps one to develop the clarity.

Writer’s fatigue is a major challenge since it can lead to burnout. For any writer to overcome this, he or she should refocus on the discussed solutions to writer’s fatigue. 

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